Watch Mark Gungor's Mens brains, Womens brains on my youtube
playlist Inspirational Humor or Mark Gungors Channel here.
This is really funny and yet quite deep and insightful, inspirational and impacting
Watch Mark Gungor's Mens brains, Womens brains on my youtube playlist Inspirational Humor or Mark Gungors Channel here.
Nothing is more important for our spiritual and emotional well-being than God's saving grace. We need to walk in his presence and seek divine forgiveness to enjoy his enabling power. And we need to forgive others and find our identity in Abba (father God to heal from our own life's hurts. This opens the door to inner healing.
Jack Frost (1952-2007) is my favorite teacher on the subject of emotional pain and inner healing. He teaches from scripture and life experience in a most captivating and powerful way. And he is the most humble and transparent person I know. He has literally lived his life with the roof off and the walls down. I have never met Jack in person, but I feel like I know him better than many friends and he has impacted my life powerfully through his recordings. I highly recommend Jack's one week inner healing seminar, available on DVD from . Shilohplace is nowadays run by Jacks wife wife Trisha Frost and his son in law Doug Crew. Watch Jack Frost on my inspirational playlist on the strohbeck1 channel I take great inspiration from NDE research. A firm belief in afterlife brings new meaning to our life's.
(1) Check out Pam Reynolds Story @ (2) Here is a medical doctors story about raising someone from the death. His name is Chauncey Crandall. It got a lot of News coverage in the US ! (3) What do we learn from those returning from the dead ? There is a heaven and insome expereinces (minority) there is a hell. Impressive if atheists see it, cause belief in hell is not popular. Research has shown that the human mind can suppress traumatic experiences. Here is Daniels Afterlife Vision (NDE) ! The Afterlife is real and Heaven and Hell appear to be real as well (Not a complete surprise as we can see both Kingdoms represented on Earth as well). At minute 17 we see a passage on the Importance of forgiveness. Pastor Daniel Ekechukwu learned that God's forgiveness is conditional upon ours.vUnforgiveness is very hazardous to Happiness. |
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