Sad and is it funny or is it not ! To watch and click here ! And to be a bit more serious watch this one.
#parisattacks have horrified Europe and the world today. So what is the root cause of the problem and what should be our response ? In a nutshell the shariah mindset of some Islamic Europeans is at the root of the problem and our own left wing dominated politics tolerance of it. All peace loving Muslims and all Western Secularists and Christians should consider that there is no place for Shariah Law and Beliefs in a secular European democracy - period. Its not compatible and can ultimately not co-exist as a parallel society without division or conflict. Discernment is needed coupled with courage and boldness. We must commit to zero tolerance for hate crimes and hate speech / hate preach. In addition Christians should look if they can live their faith of love with a higher commitment. Fervor of belief and commitment is something that has empowered Muslims together with their high fertility rate. Some stats below: |
Time line
September 2024