You want to make sure you are the seed that fell on good ground. You do not want to be the seed that fell on the first two grounds, and certainly not the third where you are distracted by the cares of this world and are choked out. Thirdly, the Word says that if we are ashamed of Christ, He will be ashamed of us when we stand before the father. The Word says that if we do not gather people into the Kingdom of God we scatter them abroad. It also says we must shout the Word, the Good News of our salvation in Jesus from the roof tops. The parable of the light that can not be hidden under a bushel, but must be placed on the hill supports that you can not make your faith private and remain quiet if you know the enormity of what Christ has done, you will make it public and tell everyone. The Holy Spirit is like a river running over and spills out blessings onto others, it can't be contained. Jesus said if we don't praise Him the rocks and the birds will cry out and praise Him. As Christians we must be in our Bible and know the truth, for those who know the truth will be free and able to help others experience freedom in Christ. The pearl of the great price, requires us to give up everything we desire in return for the Holy Spirit and seal of our salvation. As the Word says we must decrease, so he can increase. We are here to bring glory to Christ. We must be in our Word day and night. Remember that it says he who loses his life will find it. True life is found in Jesus, for without Him we do not have life, and everlasting life is found in Christ and Christ alone. We must pick up our cross and follow Him, we will also suffer and receive persecution, but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Our eyes must be focussed on the things of heaven and not on earthly things. The path to life is narrow and Jesus is the only way to the father. God requires yielded lives in obedience to the Holy Spirit. Here is a note to those who are in ministry. Jesus only did what the father told Him to do. Keep practicing the Lordship of Jesus by not running ahead or lagging behind Him. Anything we do apart from Him is good works. We don't want to be caught up in good works but God works, the works God has prepared for us before the beginning of time. His sheep hear His voice and follow Him. We must come to Him daily. For those of you who are doing things in your own strength that don't come to Him each day to lead you by His Spirit start making it a daily practice and watch as he transforms the way you do ministry. Be encouraged and do not lose heart in doing good for in due season you will reap a harvest. Jesus said to His disciples look out into the field see how the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few, ask God to send more labourers to bring in the harvest. May this be your daily prayer. Lastly, this is for us all, it says there will be many wolves in sheepskin clothing. God is interested in our hearts. We must have our hearts right before God. Let us all ask God to try our hearts and show us if there are any wicked ways in us. That is, ask God to reveal to you any sins and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. It says that many will say Lord didn't we cast our demons in your name and perform many signs and wonders in your name and God will say to them get away from me I didn't know you, you who commit lawlessness. God says He prefers if you were either hot or cold, for if you are luke warm He will spit you out of His mouth. It also says in the end times they will have a form of godliness but deny the power there of. Paul the apostle Paul urged the saints to make their call and election sure. This means to choose which kingdom you belong to. The kingdom of heaven or kingdom of darkness. These two kingdoms are at war. Which kingdom are you going to stand with? Don't get distracted by selfish ambitions, your own plans, dreams and purposes. Make sure you are yielded to the Holy Spirit and make Christ the centre of your life. Jesus said you will know who are my disciples by their fruit and by the love they will have for one another. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, self control and there are two more that you can find in the book of Galatians. Unforgiveness is not a fruit. Jesus said if we do not forgive others of their wrongs, our heavenly father will not forgive us of the things we have done wrong.
Make sure you have made your life right with God and go in peace each day knowing that you have placed Jesus at the centre of your life. Walk according to the Spirit and be the love in the world which the world needs, bringing people the Prince of peace and the good news of eternal salvation.