Todd White, a former addict turned Christian now runs his own ministry called Lifestyle Christianity. He has gained notoriety through Darren Wilson's videos (Finger of God and more) and his testimony and street healing footage is on youtube. Derren Brown has taken issue with faith healers growing legs and demonstrated a psychological version of it . I have attended Todd's conference in Melbourne last weekend and checked him out on the internet. |
Todd is aligned with CFAN (Reinhard Bonnke) and Ben Fitzgerald. Watch out for Awakening Europe in 2015 and the CFAN conference 2015 in Germany or listen to past recordings Awakening Germany from 2014.
I am indebted to a fellow blogger (Patti) for this extract:
Todd said he’s “So free from me that I’m free from you!” He’s so heavenly minded that he’s earthly incredible, and he lives a 24/7 Kingdom lifestyle that never shuts down. He’s passionately in love with Jesus and walks in power and love. Here are some great quotes from the past two days:
- You don’t need to come against the spirit of religion, you need to walk in the spirit which exposes it.
- It’s not rebuking the devil that sets you free, it’s the truth that sets you free.
- If your focus is on His return (“I can’t handle this, get me out of here!”) then it’s still all about you. What you’re saying is “To heaven with me and to hell with everybody else!”
- People talk about the cost of something and say “This will cost you,” but the reality is the only thing it will cost you is you will have to give up something you were never created to be in the first place.
- It is out of intimacy that we destroy the works of the devil.
- Jesus knew we would need the Comforter because we’re going to be required to be uncomfortable!
- God says it. Either He’s right or we’re wrong!
- We don’t need to look for the grass that’s greener on the other side, we need to water our own lawn!
- Everybody wants the power of His resurrection, but they don’t want the fellowship of His suffering.
He spent a lot of time today talking about “the way that seems right to a man” which leads to death. The prophets in the past prophesied of a day to come. They saw it but couldn’t have it; we have it but don’t know what we have! The only closed heaven is between our ears, folks! If God is for you, who cares who’s against you! We can’t allow our experiences and living by feelings to determine the gospel. If we think like the devil, we dethrone God in our minds. The way that seems right to a man is the enemy of God.
Todd actually had to leave early, so at the end of class he had us bow our heads and put our hands on our hearts and then he prayed a powerful prayer that hit me like a ton of bricks. Ben realized that God was moving in a lot of people and said they were going to put some music on and those who wanted to were welcome to stay. I stayed. He came over at one point and prayed for me and when he prayed, “Enlarge her heart, Lord” I felt something (and I could tell he did too because of his reaction).
Link to Alliance Life Magazine