Title: Todd White - I prayed for someone and nothing happened? Why? (18k views 178/5 LD ratio)
17 Comments only - here is mine:
I admire and respect Todds extreme faith and trust and absolutely love his honesty. Because these guys live by their beliefs and are full of divine love a deeper truth and a manifestation of the good and divine can not be easily denied ! This is not for the faint hearted or moderates. With such an uncompromising mindset (extreme faith in Gods power and his own identity in him) two things happen. He gets results, lots of them and he also sets himself up for failure. It seems that it works statistically very well on pain management, but not very well statistically on physical conditions. Creative organic healing miracles remains statistically rare. Otherwise if we could heal just 10% of hospital patients then we would be there more often. With pain management there is a big danger however as well. Please do not eliminate medical supervision to verify that your healing is complete in the physical domain if you have a life threatening ailment. The brain can be fooled easily and that can be good or bad. Hypnosis and Tens machines as well as Placebos are important healing techniques and fooling the brain can produce life changing benefits. Just keep in mind false hope can bring both success or failure. happiness and despair. Todd makes a good case for God being alive and that Jesus is like God and his true son.