Why the Mormon Church (LDS) will succeed in growing its membership in 2017
People who believed that the internet will work collateral damage on the LDS church where simply wrong. As 2017 has just started, the LDS church is heading for 16 Mio members and continues to grow nicely with a 1.7% increase of converts and in addition to the converts it records ca 100 000 additional children of record. Stats are available below. The LDS church provides its members with a feeling of absolute certainty (claimed to be divinely inspired knowledge). In Utah it is the most attractive place to raise a family in the faith as it provides rich community programs, personal development and social cohesion. It has a strong missionary force (75 000 people, mostly young) and it has a high fertility rate which is way above the population replacement level. Its teachings avoid any relativism and hence they have a strong impact on its members.
So how do they manage to defy gravity by upholding its claims to a monopoly on truth, that is materially unsustainable and do so in the internet age where fact checks are at our finger tips ? In my opinion the leaders and faithful followers succeed by spiritualizing the truth and sustaining authority by dismissing any contrarian opposing facts as incompatible with the truth, which has already been predetermined in doctrine , narrative and personal revelation received one and for all. God (the Holy Ghost) is called to the witness stand.
All sermons and articles use brilliant strategic as well as tactical approaches to reveal and conceal inconvenient material truth and emphasizing spiritual truth and values ! Faith in spiritual truth is ultimately the higher commodity if it is found to be in conflict with material truth.
Even the 2nd largest Mormon church (RLDS), in recent years renamed Communities of Christ, where able to keep their membership pretty stable at ca 250 000. This proves that even abandonment of an absolute claim to divine truth will not be significantly detrimental to faith and retainment of membership. Hence I believe the LDS church has nothing to fear and will keep its place in society regardless of any inconsistencies it grapples with or not. If a major spiritual revival should break out among other Christian movements, one that is substantially threatening to the LDS church, than it has historically proven that it is capable to adapt and compromise its most fundamental doctrines to secure the survival of its faith under extreme circumstances.
Apostasy and Restoration (extract from Wiki)
The LDS Church teaches that Joseph Smith restored the fullness of the gospel after a centuries long period known as the great apostasy.[56][57] The LDS Church therefore characterizes itself as a restoration of fallen Christianity and the one true church that exists.[56]In contrast, the Community of Christ has de-emphasized its traditional tenet that it is the one true church and has adopted a viewpoint that all faith traditions can offer a pathway to spiritual enlightenment.[58] Barbara McFarlane Higdon has called the Community of Christ a "unique member of the body of Christ, the universal community of believers."[59] Higdon also suggests that prior claims that the church had been "restored" were tantamount to idolatry. The Community of Christ has therefore moved towards ecumenism and inter-faith dialogue. Nevertheless, the Community of Christ "steadfastly affirms the primacy of continuing revelation instead of creedal rigidity". The Community of Christ's Doctrine and Covenants continues to contain documents that declare that the church is the one true church.[60]
Below are my comments on the power of a recent sermon titled "To whom shall we go" designed to sustain the unique faith of LDS members in its leaders and doctrines.
Read on !
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0 CommentsParadoxes: Trumps Truthful Hyperbole and Southparks Book of Mormon16/1/2017
I am always looking for thought models that may explain Mormonism and came across Trumps bio just recently. Trump had a ghost writer (Tony Schwartz) who coined the phrase "Truthful Hyperbole" for "The art of the deal" to put it in Trumps mouth. Trump liked the phrase and self identifies with it, while Schwartz has regretted creating it later on in 2016 at election time.
The book of Mormon and the musical with the same name remain a paradox as well. Truthful hyperbole, what a great way to describe a white lie or convolution with a term that in itself is a contradiction on terms. I can see some parallels in Donald Trump's and Joseph Smith's personality type and relationship with the truth. On a smaller scale we face some paradoxes with the Book of Mormon Musical (BOMM) as well.
Amazingly in our "enlightened" 21st century such paradoxes are still alive and well. For example the highly acclaimed blasphemous musical (video) attracts LDS advertising and makes converts. Check out this post ! and watch the converts testimony on youtube here ! I love the theme and music of the musical, but found the cursing intolerable, hence I will have to give the musical a miss. All lyrics & music are online here on BOMlyrics.
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0 CommentsA better Faith - Iris After hours16/12/2016
What if God is still as real today as he was real in the Apostle Paul, who has become the most transparant and authentic incarnation of what he taught "Christ in us - the hope of Glory". The most Christlike person and influential Apostle that defined Christianity in scripture was without any doubt the apostle Paul. For a reality check I recommend that we look at the best of modern Christianity. There are the Mormon Apostles, good principled man, but lacking the Charisma of Paul, there are tele evangelists that got famous and rich - do they resemble Paul and Pauls Jesus ? And there are less known leaders that are extremely sacrificial and charismatic. Check them out on Video (click on pic).
0 CommentsA Better Faith15/12/2016
After finding doubt that has morphed into a new certainty that Joseph is not THE MAN TO BE PRAISED and with a desire of Keeping the Faith where do we turn ? May I recommend Beyond Mormonism - the book - Read it online here ! Reviews here !
Also of interest may be joining a group, such as http://www.lifeaftermormonism.net/
We never did, because it was not convenient some 20 years ago and online support was still in its infancy. We found the best way forward was to plunge straight into churches that where spiritually alive. And nowadays the internet has almost anything available that beyond all myth, mystique and magic, beyond all character flaws, corruption and deliberate deception, God is very real and alive in Christ, in Christians and in us if we are willing ! #abetterFaith
0 CommentsLacking Wisdom (James promise)8/12/2016
As a double convert I have based my conversion on the promises in scriptures (if we lack wisdom and are willing to do Gods will, we shall know by revelation). Getting it wrong results in severe distrusting of self, others and even God, which is not a smart thing and very counterproductive to faith and joy. Hence what I have learned over the years is that it is important to match the word (bible exclusively) with subsequent testimony and that is where I have been going wrong in the past.
As Mormons we where told Christianity has been corrupted over time. But I have to say so has Mormonism and I suggest that the earlier Christianity is still far more trustworthy than Josephs Smiths re-writing of religious history in the name or restoration, which actualy is rather revisionism that has opened the door to Masonry and more. We all know what Jesus has said about secret societies.
Admittedly Christianity is not perfect, has had to go through a reformation and is still twisted in part, but it also still produces faith leaders that not only invalidate the LDS claim to a Holy Ghost monopoly, but reproduce a character and charismatic Christlikeness that simply isn't matched by any of the most prominent LDS leaders (Q15).
And having transitioned back to Christianity let me testify that there is more fulness and hope in basic Christianity than in Mormonism. And who says that we Christians won't have forever families without the Mormons (I recon that is the biggest draw card of Mormonism).
So here is part of the fulness of the Christian contributions to our time.
A link to a recent presentation by YWAM's Fred Markert, which he gave after Trumps election. It's very interesting ! Few leaders speak up on sensitive topics. Conditional hope is what we need in our time.
0 CommentsRichard Bushman - A new mystical Mormonism10/3/2015
Richard Bushman, a faithful practicing Mormon (LDS Church) and scholar has been transparent enough to speak about how he has come to terms with research and faith. In an interesting AMA session of 2013 Richard distances himself from the term mystical testimony.
Nevertheless in my opinion for lack of a better term this is in my opinion still the best term to describe his position for keeping the faith while steering away from an absolute literal faith. The demystified naked facts bring about and new orientation towards the mystical truth hidden in the myth.
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0 CommentsDavid Hogan Controversial10/3/2015
David Hogan is a radical preacher, leader and missionary. His ministry has a PO Box in Texas USA and he owns a ranch in Mexico where he has 20 staff to run his missions and outreaches in Mexico. To us he is known for his preaching trips around the world and after some 30 years of ministry his stories have reached a level of fame and controversy as well. Because my friends like him and trust him I took notice and did a little research on the internet. He surely polarizes his audience. with regards to his character as well as his teachings. He is either seen as the real thing or a pathological liar and possibly he may be both, that is his zeal for the gospel is genuine while his methods are deceptive at the same time. No doubt he is a radical or zealot and at the same time he is known for tall stories and a level of self aggrandizement. He appears to have the loyalty of his children that serve in his ministry while at least on dissenter has gone public. I am very uneasy with David Hogan's tall stories, but do admit that he is out there doing something in the trenches (and I am not). Hence I will leave judgement on his mandate as well as character with the reader. I have posted both friendly and critical voices in the Link reference (click on more). Friendly voices point to a visit at the freedom ranch and Davids mission results in the tough unreached Mexican outback. Critics point to David's flawed theology, tall claims and lack of substantiation of claims. And there is a damaging insider report titled The Remarkable Exploits of David Hogan. Rolland and Heidi Baker who have ministered alongside David Hogan and whom I trust have not been swayed by my concerns regarding Davids claims and prowess, because they have seen similar miracles. But the key issue is that the Bakers results are visible online and have materially been testified by many others.
0 CommentsTruthTalk is on facebook as MormonTruth5/3/2015
For More of moroniii's truthtalk visit facebook at https://www.facebook.com/mormontruth
0 CommentsShariah law should we worry ?5/3/2015
0 CommentsWhy I left the Mormon Church27/2/2015
It was a Book of Abraham (BofA) review at a time of increased emotional distress that led me to the pursuit of a better hope !
Mormonism is not the ultimate gospel as it claims.
In 1972 I left the Lutheran State Church in Germany following my sister and mother to become a Mormon convert. I can't remember if I knew prior to my baptism that the BofA is very controversial. But by 1977 I was aware that the BofA was mystical & mythical, but I have let PHD Hugh Nibley persuade me that it must be true, because so many parallels in historical documents confirmed it's ancient truth. Six kids later in 1995 I read The BofA review from the Christian angle and was appalled that Smith had accepted a pagan Egyptian deity (Ammon) with a phallus (erection) as the God of Abraham. Dependent on the year of print the phallus had been either included or removed from the BofA. Was this Egyptian Deity the same as the Hebrew YHWH or the Christian God the Father or Jesus Christ ? The whole Bible is adamant on the vehement rejection of fertility Gods. We have also realised that being close to Jesus was regarded sectarian teaching and hence our spiritual life was very much LDS conditioned and otherwise rather shallow. So when the Idol of Joseph Smith crumbled and his character became severely compromised in our eyes there was no other leg to stand on in the LDS church and hence we left. I wished we had Wiki in 1972. Our hope was that the LDS church would come clean so that we could stay united as an extended family, but all hope has been dashed by now. Consensus reality in 2014 is that the fictitious BofA remains inspired scripture BECAUSE TODAY's PROPHETS SAID SO ! Let them eat their cake and keep it, but we won't partake of the fruit any longer. We had to break and restructure our covenants to only point to Jesus and Father God and the Kingdom of God in general as opposed to any particular church. Hence most of our donations now go to the poor, rather than Churches. I think that was Jesus idea of tithes. We are back to reformation style Christianity Sola Scriptora and the general priesthood of all believers. Exclusive Salvation dispensed by any Church authorities have failed.
Fac 2: 7
Smith: Represents God sitting upon his throne, revealing through the heavens the grand Key-words of the Priesthood; as, also, the sign of the Holy Ghost unto Abraham, in the form of a dove.
Scholars: "The form of Ammon, with a bird's tail, or Horammon (?). An ithyphallic serpent, with human legs, offers him a symbolical eye. This last figure has certainly been altered in the hypocephalus of the Mormons."
0 CommentsGods place in evolution20/11/2014
The Big bang and the Ex Nihilo Creation can now co-exist for some scientists, such as Hawkins. But lets say honestly we don't know what the mathematical probabilities are, so for from that angle its a toss for me. Otherwise my belief tells me its a 99:1 in favor of creative intelligence at work (God). But we now know that humanity and culture are older than what the Bible says and physical death is older than Adam and Eve.
So how has Religion evolved ? It is a regional development that would have given us multiple religions of which few have survived and one particular narrative in the west has been anchored around a man and a women thought to be first. Written and oral memory could simply not reach beyond the marker 4000 BC.
Good and evil exists and it had to be experienced and explained together with the spiritual forces divine and diabolic that interact with man.
The spiritual battles between good and evil and mans tendency to be selfish and rebellish are caused by an estrangement from God (spiritual death) that needs to be
0 CommentsFalse Hope is better than no Hope25/8/2014
The Power of one.
You are giving them false hope. Yes, but False Hope is better than no Hope.
Mormonism has given us false hope or at least false certainty. But false hope feels better than no hope. But getting rid of false hope now is a blessing, because we know we need to find true hope and have the opportunity to seek it now. The other thing that has become clear is that how much my testimony always was borrowed and has actually been somebody else's testimony. That deficit needs to be addressed now before it is too late.
0 CommentsAppointed Son of God25/8/2014
This has come to my desk. Pastor Apollo Quiboloy claims to be the appointed Son of God and draws 6 Mio followers, mainly in the Philippines. Maybe Smith is not that unique after all. Check out Apollo's wealth and toys as well.
0 CommentsURGENT PETITION30/7/2014
Mormons and moderate Muslims have some commonalities and keep contacts. But now is the time for all Mormons and Muslims to stand against radical Islam. Join Mosab Hassan Yousef and our Jewish and Christian brethren and take a stand against radical Islam. The Quran sanctions radicalism in its later suras (passages). Read more about Jihad at CARM. Read more about Muhammad the Quran and Pakistani Sharia Law and Yousef and his movie. Could you imagine 1 Million Mormons and 1 Billion Christians to take a stand against persecution ? PLEASE WATCH AND SIGN PETITION
0 CommentsSolidarity - Standing with Jews & Christians30/7/2014
Mormons and moderate Muslims have some commonalities and keep contacts. But now is the time for all Mormons and Muslims to stand against radical Islam. Join Mosab Hassan Yousef and our Jewish and Christian brethren and take a stand against radical Islam. The Quran sanctions radicalism in its later suras (passages). Read more about Jihad at CARM. Read more about Muhammad the Quran and Pakistani Sharia Law and Yousef and his movie. Could you imagine 1 Million Mormons and 1 Billion Christians to take a stand against persecution ? PLEASE WATCH AND SIGN PETITION
- http://www.citizengo.org/en/9810-save-iraqi-christian-community (Sign)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KakxXN5Z-XI (Watch - 1Mio Views)_
- http://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/mosab-hassan-yousef/
Video Published on Jul 26, 2014 (1Mio++ views on 30 July 2014)
Mosab Hassan Yousef (Son of Hamas Founder) reveals the truth about how Hamas Terror group aims to kill civilians and uses Palestinian Children as human shields. (CNN interview. July 24 2014)
Yousef takes a very courageous stand. He loves Muslims but opposes Allah, Islam's theocratic God that inspires Jihad and atrocities against infidels (such as Dissenters and Christians). The tolerant view of the more moderate masses enables Hamas' terrorism and their true is not only to wipe out Israel, but to create a radical islamic state.
0 CommentsMormonism based on a true story29/6/2014
For my atheist Exmormon friends.
I was just watching Letters to God based on a true story so I thought we could apply that to Mormonism as well.
Why do I belief that ?
Jesus has embodied the Devine more than anybody else in this wolfs and there are people living today who by the power of the Holy Ghost embody the same love and impact to change the world and inspire for eternity.
Mormons do not know. They believe that's all. Same is true for all humble atheists.
0 CommentsAdolf Hitler and Mormonism19/6/2014 Interesting article at Mormonthink
Book of Mormon - RLDS/CoC4/6/2014 The Book of Mormon as apocryphal Scripture (RLDS)
The most detailed report on Mormon Holdings ($40B)3/6/2014
0 CommentsMy musings on Joseph Smith - Prophet of the Restoration3/6/2014
Watch it here on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tpz5lIGS85k
If you allow me to put it on the fiction shelf or Philosophy, then it is a great production. I know Mormons believe it all literally, but there is another side to the story that can not be told by the movie maker without defeating the purpose of the movie. So here is my most friendly musing:
A great epic that unites a people. That's why Mormons can not be stopped. They have created their own identity with an epic story. As a people they have a history, a destiny (the elect), an exodus, a scripture even if it is Midrash, a Holy Land, a State and a High Priest and they are great at propaganda, diligence, education, general morals and adaptable. They also understand the power of certainty, identity and an imaginary reality. Their religion especially if understood as being of human origin is quite a remarkable success in having broken through the 5 Million Members Mark and is worth 40 Billion+
0 CommentsWriting History - The Mormon Epic Joseph Smith (restoration)3/6/2014
Watch the epic LDS movie Joseph Smith the prophet of the restoration and then watch the oppositional Christian view point here. The LDS movie starts with Josephs visions in the 1820's and ends with the 1846 exodus of 70 000 LDS followers to SLC. What is the truth and which movie is more credible ? Comments are disabled on the LDS version of truth, but not on this derivative. What becomes evident is that Joseph was an innovator that has created a new religion that he and tens of thousands could believe in, but unfortunately it is imaginary, mythical a dream and Joseph while being genuinely spiritual he has been very much mixed up and has had severe character flaws. The said thing is that nobody except a few scholars are actually willing to leave propaganda aside and tell the story truthfully and as balanced as possible. There will always be spin, be it Mormon, Christian or Atheist. We see what we want to see. Those however who believe that Mormonism is finished thanks to the internet should do a reality check. Growth rates have slowed, but are not Zero, not even in Utah.
My comments on the Christian view point by http://goodnewsforlds.org/about.html
This is an informative and hard hitting video and I like most of it and am with you, but the tone seems to be a bit too aggressive to reach insiders, but may work well on outsiders. Having said that I do agree with the conclusion and most of the content.
AND I have a few questions:
(1) How many LDS Scholars and Leaders have you reached in the last 18 months, assuming this is a late 2012 production.
(2) How are you doing with reaching a crowd of potential new converts of 300 000 pa ?
(3) What is the impact of your ministry on (a) resignations and (b) new converts in Utah ?
0 CommentsHow Does the LDS Church compare ?2/6/2014
Growth and membership numbers No better than JW's pr 7D Adventists.
Ghana - Compare growth of Sole Truth American Denominations.
0 CommentsWhat is Truth in Mormonism2/6/2014
Jonathan Streeter has written an interesting article about Pr. Thomas Monsons Testimony, suggesting that Lawyers have assisted. In any case I agree, the LDS Leaders are not Stupid. My belief is that they have quietly redefined Truth and the residual Truth for them is that no matter what the Mandate is divine and most of Mormonisms essential doctrines or at least some some of them are inspired regardless of the historicity of BoM or BoA. If there are problems then Joseph Smith was simply God's Ghost writer who took poetic license. Interesting is that LDS leaders have judged the first century church very harshly claiming they had lost the mantle and the Spirit. So Jesus ultimately left the church orphaned.
So to declare the work true the LDS leaders could mean anything that sustains their exclusive apostolic mantle, such as . . .
- Material truth (Can be proven or verified)
- Mystical truth (Spiritual manifestations)
- Mythical truth (Allegorical truth or a true true story embedded in myth, such as Santa Claus)
0 CommentsHow many monkeys on type writers do we need to write Mac Beth ?29/5/2014
My heart goes out to post Mormons turned atheists. Maybe because I have become a theist myself and I fear that I might even entertain deism. My friend Eric has turned atheist and so has one of my sons. I have just watched a short video called Science vs God (link below) and I wrote this comment:
Atheism is a negative, but militant Atheism is evil. Having said that there are indeed a few very caring Atheists called Humanists, such as Fred Hollows and Albert Schweitzer and I respect them very much. As a matter of fact I think in some ways they are enlightened believers that have maintained an eternal perspective, but may have turned Deist and lost faith in a God that is personally involved with mankind and in their own lives and just provides the life force manifest in creation.
But Atheists can not create. It takes a God to do that. Man cannot at least not yet. If they can and their consciousness survives the grave then they have become God. Science can't demonstrate atheist beliefs by cooking up a pre-mordial soup in the lab and thereby produce the most simple form of one celled life. Random chance cannot either. Its pure magic belief if man thinks he can blow up a place and then see everything fall into place with the most supreme order governing it. How arrogant and deluded can we be ? How many monkeys on type writers and eons will it take to write a play like Mac Beth ?
0 CommentsThoughts about Absolute Certainty26/5/2014
The Secret to absolute Certainty (Youtube Anthony Robbins)
Did I get the secret ? I think its good to know how we may be getting played with the magical method. Even if error is spread in good faith the effects are just the same. The right side of the brain does not discriminate between truth and error. The right side is a parallel processor that seeks to produce beneficial feelings and outcomes.
Here is how to develop the habit of Absolute Certainty acc to Robbins:
- Train yourself to belief something (any thing?) and do an Incantation (this is magic language)
- Use body and voice - Scream I demand !
- The person who is most certain will always influence the other person.
Sounds dangerous ? - beware of others using mind games !
"As soon as by one's own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting one's own right is laid." Adolf Hitler
Mind conditioning & absolute Certainty
- The 6 Human Needs - (#1 is Certainty acc to A Robbins)
- Anthony Robbins and the Magical Quest for Unlimited Power
- The Danger of Absolute Unverified Certainty (Holocaust)
- The parable of the the counterfeit coin
Seeking more the Truth about the Afterlife ?
- The day I died (BBC)
- Near-death.com (Huge collection of NDE's)
- The Lazarus Phenomenon (Christian)
- Mormon angle [1] [2]
- George Rodonaia (Atheist turned Christian)
- Maurice Rawlings (Cardiologist)
- PMH Atwater
The Mormon struggle with Truth & Doubt
- SEEING BEYOND THE LEAF (UCHTDORF 2014 - The Challenge of Mormon History)
- Preach my Gospel Missionary Guide (2005)
- The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood (D&C84)
- Rationalwiki.org/wiki/Mormonism
- Any idea how to follow Uchtdorf's call to "Doubt your doubts" ? (Can't be the A Robbins concept)
There will be times when it may appear that things are going badly for the truth of God, that the evidence of the world contradicts God’s utterances," Dieter F. Uchtdorf, second counselor to church President Thomas S. Monson, told the audience in Salt Lake City’s Conference Center Theater.
"For my part, I have learned to be patient, knowing that, in the end, things will work out."
"Truth and transparency complement each other," he said. "We always need to remember that transparency and openness keep us clear of the negative side effects of secrecy or the cliché of faith-promoting rumors."
Still, he maintained that the teachings of Jesus Christ are "the most practical of all truths" and cautioned: "It is my conviction that those who disregard the reality of heaven will ultimately find themselves on the wrong side of history. That is true for any issue, even the issues we are struggling with today."
Uchtdorf Quotes from SEEING BEYOND THE LEAF
The gospel of Jesus Christ encompasses not only the truth of what was and what is but the truth of what can and will be. It is the most practical of all truths. It teaches the way of the disciple—a path that can take ordinary, flawed mortals and transform them into glorious, immortal, and limitless beings whose divine potential is beyond our meager capacity to imagine.
Now, that is practical truth. It is priceless beyond imagination. It is truth of the highest order. The pursuit, discovery, and application of truth are what we are on this earth to discover. The gospel of Jesus Christ not only encompasses all truth, but it specializes in the knowledge that will be of greatest worth to us in this life and throughout the eternities to come.
There will be times when it may appear that things are going badly for the truth of God—that the evidence of the world contradicts God’s utterances. For my part, I have learned to be patient, knowing that in the end things will work out. God’s kingdom will continue to grow. The truth will continue to flourish and spread throughout the earth. Sometimes all it takes is a little faith and a little patience. Things which may appear impossible now may become matter-of-fact in years to come.
He (God) asks that we have a little faith, a little patience, that we believe. He asks us to seek after Him and believe in His word. It is my conviction that those who disregard the reality of heaven will ultimately find themselves on the wrong side of history.
The roads we travel are certainly not guaranteed to be easy or ever-pleasant; but if we keep traveling in the pursuit of truth, they will always lead back to the ultimate truth—they will lead us to our Heavenly Father, who is the great historian, the great record keeper, the great Creator, mentor, and friend. Of this I testify, and leave you my blessing, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Full transcript here !
>ixMormoninspiration for xmormons
catchyadreams #yesmo
A "Beyond Mormonism" blog > "a living faith"
see also my blog
by Walter who lives in Melbourne , Australia.
I believe it is not fair to wreck peoples faith. While I left the LDS church I respect LDS members, especially from Utah that wish to stay and reform the church from within.
I regard the LDS faith to be faithful hyperbole and hence went on a search for #aBetterFaith that is #truthful & #trustworthy
Jesus said I am the waythe truth and the life - John 14:6
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