Ex-Top Official Catherine Austin Fitts: Inside Trump’s Victory, RFK Jr., and the Deep State
Miss Fitss Your first reaction to the US presidential election results please
So this is not surprising the reports coming in from the early votingaround the country reflected what youknow what we see in both the electriccollege and the popular vote you have arepublicanLandslide with not only the Republicanstaking the White House but taking the Senate and improving their position itlooks like in the house though we don'thave the final tally for the house anduh this means that the new presidentcomes in with a mandate for great changeand I told you earlier what will happentoday the real campaign starts todaybecause the president has to fill a thousand very important positions whichwill then fill 10,000 positions and ifyou look at the Deep State and you lookat what the people want everybody's trying to get their people into position and it's not clear you know which side is going to win the Personnel um and there are a couple of major issues obviously uh the new president can't do anything until the January 21st but they can have an influence on what's happening both in the current Administration and with people around the world.
Miss Fitss Your first reaction to the US presidential election results please
So this is not surprising the reports coming in from the early votingaround the country reflected what youknow what we see in both the electriccollege and the popular vote you have arepublicanLandslide with not only the Republicanstaking the White House but taking the Senate and improving their position itlooks like in the house though we don'thave the final tally for the house anduh this means that the new presidentcomes in with a mandate for great changeand I told you earlier what will happentoday the real campaign starts todaybecause the president has to fill a thousand very important positions whichwill then fill 10,000 positions and ifyou look at the Deep State and you lookat what the people want everybody's trying to get their people into position and it's not clear you know which side is going to win the Personnel um and there are a couple of major issues obviously uh the new president can't do anything until the January 21st but they can have an influence on what's happening both in the current Administration and with people around the world.
Trump still has many different lawsuits to deal with yeah andhow those laws suits both civil andcriminal are going to play out you knowis yet to be uh decided and there's areal there's a real process that has togo on that's going to put a lot ofcontrols on the president the secondthing is um you have war in the Ukrainewar threatened with Iran in the MiddleEast and um and we know many peoplevoted for Trump because they were hopingthat we could turn that situation downyou know and go back to trading insteadof making War and so there will be real pressure onthe president to indicate which way he'sgoing and we don't know we don't knowyet if the president is serious aboutchanging the Deep state or simplyfacilitating a new phase of the deepState until we see what he's going to doon the wars until we see the staffing
and until we see him talk about or orbring transparency so for example hepromised in the first Administrationthat he would make public the Kennedyfiles and then decided not to and if youlisten to his reasons um he believedthat was the responsible thing to do nowhe's saying he's going to release themand those files could have a dramaticimpact on America not just politicallybut culturally yeah that's the mainquestion is here is he going to drainthe swamp and so what are your feelingsaround that question so it's veryinteresting if you see some of thepeople around the president they're theones who really do want to drain theswampbut if you see many people around thepresident they're the ones who arebuilding the swap so if you look if youdrill down to some of his policies forexample promoting digital IDs and usingelection fraud and immigration as a as areason for a digital ID or you see hispromotion of private crypto um in amajor way involved in the federalfinances if you see his attacks on civilservice and want to swap in privatecontractors for the Civil Service Iwould say that's buildingand expanding the power of the deepstate so it's very there going to be acouple of key issues he got us out ofthe who before it's imperative he get usout of the who again will he do thatwill he get us back out of the Parisagreement as he did in the firstAdministration so you're going to seewhen I say the campaign starts todayyou're going to see a real competitionbetween the people around him who wantto build the Deep State um the big issuein America right now is the centralBankers would like to Asser much morecontrol over fiscal policy and Achievemuch moretransparency uh I'm sorry much more uhIndependence than they have under thelaw they're still accountable toCongress and they're going to work hardto get Trump to help them do that andstripping out the Civil Service andreplacing it with big Tech will helpthem do that interesting you saidbecause earlier you mentioned that thecorruption is not in Washington what doyou mean by that so if you look at thedependency of the American economy onorganized crime and a war you know thethe Deep state is not something thathappens in Washington it's somethingthat happens within the cash flows ofevery County in America so the 3100counties and 50 states and thosecounties and states are highly dependenton the Machinery the financial Machineryof the deep State and so the corruptionwhether it's organized crime or war isreally bottom up and many people inAmerica say they want Trump to reduceour dependency on organized crime reduceour dependency on moneya laundering atthe same time they're not prepared todeal with the financial ramifications ifhe does so if you're the president youwalk into the Oval Office and yourpolitical guy is going to say Well MrPresident the American people have spentbillions to get you elected now theywant their government grant they wanttheir government purchase they wanttheir Community block they wantsomething that's going to come to themthrough the budget whether corations andFederal Credit you're going to turn toyour Secretary of Treasury and say okaywell how do I fund this and he's goingto say well you better be nice to thepeople who control the War Machine andthe and the organized crime cash flowswho launder the money so you are highlydependent on um on a Machinery that theAmerican people continue to want themoney yeah so so how does the presidentchange that unless 3100 counties arewilling to change their dependency on itgood question right yeah becausebasically it's not up toTrump well here's the thing where youget really powerful change and we'veseen this in the last year is where youget an alignment between uh interest inWashington so you get a couple of reallygreat congressmen we still have somevery good legislators both in the Senateand House and where you get alignmentbetween them and the state legislatorsthe governors and the AGS so one of thereasons you saw real report support forthe Republicans if you look at the greatFreedom Fighters across the country inthe treasures office in the AG's officein the state legislator's office in thegovernor's office what they will alltell you is if we have a republicanWhite House we can get far more done interms of turning Machinery so where youcan get that alignment between thestates and the state officials and thepresident and you get popular supportthat's when you can start to turn theMachinery without those alignments it'snot going to happen DAV hi Katherineyeah um I was wondering how much poweror influence do you think um RobertKennedyhasso it will interesting say uh the mostimportant thing to watch is what arethose thousand people who are pickedparticularly the top 10 the top 10positions and um what the co-chair ofthe transition team has said is thatKennedy's influence or the influenceKennedy would like is to have a say inhow those positions get fued and so wewill see as we watch the transitionunfold Trump has made clear heinterviewed with Joe Rogan uh rightbefore the election and he said you knowI love Bobby as long as he stays in thisLane he said I hate him on environmentbecause I love oil and gas and and Bobbydoesn't so he said Bobby's got to stayin the health Lane but so far Trump hasindicated you know as long as Bobbystays in the health Lane he will have alot of influence now what that means wewill know when we see what positions getget staffed and how they get staffedwell you know in very well uh Bobby ifKennedy um so what do you think he'sgoing to donow so I think he's going to make if ifyou look at the results state by stateif you look at how the election worked Ithink that the Kennedy group had a majorhand in delivering uh real RepublicanLandslide here and um and which isinteresting because uh they tried veryhard to to work with the Democraticparty um and and coordinate with the andDemocratic party and were resoundedrejected and that's what put them overon the Republican side but um so I Ithink he's made a majorcontribution and and he is going to tryand get his people into place and fightfor certain policies but again it's allgoing to come down to whether they getthe right people in the place in thenext 3 months and will Congress approvethem remember many of those positionsare approved by the Senate and have togo through Senate confirmation so youneed enough alignment between the Senateand the uh you know what the Trump teamand the transition team want to do forthat to happen yeah how important is itto have the Senate and the house in thiscase very important very important andthat's good news if Trump wantsto get us out of the who get us out ofthe Paris agreement but if Trump is hereto sell on behalf of the central Bankerssell us on a um a a All Digitalfinancial and monetary system and on adigital ID and all these other sort ofmechanics that they need to finally snapthe control grd into place then you knowthen we're in real trouble and that'swhy I say the campaign begins todayDavid would you like to reflect on thatum yeah well I um was wondering umWhitney web by posted today on X thepeople who have been deluded intothinking that the Deep state is purelypartisan uh are in for a big surpriseagain she wrote pay attention to policyaction of rhetoric now that the electionis over Whitney web warned us uh for thecbdc and the digital ID um do we haveany idea uh um of trump his position onuh uh cases like the Central Bankdigital I could not agree with Whitneyweb more she's been giving greatcoverage on all of this and um if youlook at what Trump has said on thedigital ID I think it's very inde deeplyconcerning and Whitney understands thatand it's covered that extensively and sowe need to be watching what Trump issaying if you look at the differentpieces of what I call the digitalconcentration camp that's snapping intoplace you know Trump has been on thewrong side of many of these specificpoints we do not want an all Financialmonetary systemwe do not want um a digital ID and thelast thing we want is somebody you knowauditing or running the Federal Reservewho is on record is wanting to put amesh Network in the back of your headand hook you up to satellites so so Ithink you know again what you see aroundthe president is a multiple personalitydisorder of people who want to build thecontrol grid and are deep in the defenseindustry like musk and Peter teal um butalso people like Kennedy who would liketo see freedom are sincere about thatand the question is who will win thosethousand seats and who will win in thepolicy set in the first 90 days and ifthe Freedom Fighters can win can theyget enough people in the Senate to goalong with them interesting combinationmusk and Kennedy David yeah my lastquestion about this um how can we resistthis kind of dangersglobally because it's a global problemthe Central Bank digital currency thedigital IDs so the first thing we can doand I think this is what blackbox hasdone a tremendous job of doing is bringtransparency because we do know thepresident likes transparency we do knowhe will take on open debate anddiscussion of of all of these issuthat's one strength and I think the morewe bring transparency and the more wecan point out the multiple personalitydisorder and he knows this you know heended up with the wrong people in hisadministration and suffer offed as aresult one of the reasons he he did notas well in 2020 as he might have so um II think the first and foremost thing wehave to do is bring transparency I willsay this because of the Constitution andthe way the the United States legalsystem works there is a tremendousopportunity given the strength and thepush back that's coming in the statesfor the US to you know bottom up try andturn the Machinery we've been racingtoward central control and there's nowreal push back to turn and I think if wecan get the media uh like a blackbox andlike the groups represented here um andthe people working for Freedom acrossEurope um and working together to helpturn that we have uh a mighty voice tobring and I I for one I'm very veryoptimistic it's four years uh four yearsenough to get to that transparencyto get to I think we if we really wantedto if we really work together we couldget that transparency and in in you knowin a year or two yeah and do do youcontribute to that in any way I've beendoing everything I possibly can sincethe financial coup started in1998 so the central Bankers started toTake Over Control of the fiscal line in1998 that's what we've been grapplingwith and I for one and the Salia teamhave been doing everything we can do toto help people understand you know thereare many people fighting for freedom butthey don't understand Central Bankingand how the financial the mechan thenuts and bolts the financial system workso and that's where we try and come inso please stick with us for the nextsubject because there's a lot more toask about other things okay thanks sofar please stick with us yeah than youDavid[Applause]formist Minister Katherine Austin FitzKatherine welcome again welcome backokay again uh you are in Tennessee rightnow yes yes I am yeah and you traveledthrough 23 States for the last few weeksand month yeah and and given what I'mgoing to do in the next week I thinkit's going to be 26 yeah so what aremainfindings so here's what happenedin in2020 um people said you know uh you knowthey got afraid they were worried aboutthe pandemic they were worried abouttheir health but by the end of 2020 theysaid you know something's wrong here andthen in 2021 they said you know we needto do something about this and 2022people started to organize to takeaction and those actions whether theywere lawsuits or change in state policyor organizations being started andcoming together really blossomed in 2023and at the beginning of this year whenwe did our annual wrapup on the C reportI called it Operation Push back andsomething very miraculous is happeningand very marvelous and that is literallypeople all across America and all acrossthe world are saying you know somethingyou know what we value is freedom andand this is not okay we will not goalong with central control and you seethe push back developing as more andmore peoplerealize that with digital technology thepeople running the central banks and thepeople governing the you know differentcountries of the world literally do wantto assert central control so when Cloudschab Schwab from the world economicForum says it's 2030 and you have nowassets they're beginning to understandnot only is he SE serious but if youlook at the different mechanisms likeThe Who that they put together tobasically rele your assets and yourrights you know people are beginning tosee the mechanical nuts and bolts of howthey intend to operationalize the visionof relieving us of our freedoms and ourproperty rights and our assets so so asmore and more people see that andrealize it's reallythat I I I search to find the right wordit's really thatcentralizing they're starting to act andfind each other and act together so sowe are seeing the push for centralcontrol go even harder but the push backyou know it's almost like I don't knowif you you know what a game of Texaschicken is when two cars will go at eachother at 60 M hour and see who swervesfirst so we call it Texas chicken andthere's a big geopolitical Texas Chichicken happening it's one of thereasons so many people around the worldare interested yeah in thisAdministration and why I say if you lookaround Trump and what he says yeah thereis a multiple personality disorderbecause thesetwo um these two arcs are are going ateach other and coming together and thereneeds to be aReconciliation yeah and and so are wegoing to do the wef's reset yeah and goto a world where we're in a digitalconcentration camp are we going to dowhat I call the Building Wealth resetwhere we simply have evolve as a societyto a much more um prosperous and humancivilization enjoying the benefits ofnew technology yeah is this systembetween Democrats and Republicans stilluh sustainable in your opinion what arethe what are the developments aroundthat system uh so one of the mostremarkable things to me that happenedduring this last election is um a friendof mine was running in Ohio 7thcongressional district which isCleveland and right below on the lakeand his um his team did a survey of theuh 18 to 25-year-old voters in in thatcongressional district and what theydiscovered is that 4% had registered asDemocrats yeah 4% had registered asRepublicans and92% had registered as Independents sothat's between and 18 and 25 so theyounger generation 18 to 25 but what theyoung people are saying isyou know we've had it being trickedbetween you know the two sides of theunip party what they're saying in thepolitical sens is our food choice is notMcDonald's and Burger King yeah we don'twant to be captured within a phonyduopoly we're breaking away yeah and ourtheme this morning on money and marketswas break away because what I see allover America that is so exciting to meabout having done the we call it theFinancial Freedom tour is I see seepeople at every level of society fromthe very wealthy and accomplished youknow to the to the you know to thejanitor at the local grocery store yeahpeople are breaking out of the Paradigmand they are ready for real change andthey are willing to work for it so thissounds like massive change is coming forAmerica oh it's not coming it's hereit's we're in it yeah yeah right okaythank you very much live from TennesseeKatherine Austin Fitz a very nicetalking to you thanks for all yourinformation okay well I'm homesick soI'll be back in the Netherlands on the 25th and I I can't wait are lookingforward to have you here in the studiothat would be great you guys have agreat day and thank you for all thegreat work you're doing oh you'rewelcome thank you very muchoncan thank you
and until we see him talk about or orbring transparency so for example hepromised in the first Administrationthat he would make public the Kennedyfiles and then decided not to and if youlisten to his reasons um he believedthat was the responsible thing to do nowhe's saying he's going to release themand those files could have a dramaticimpact on America not just politicallybut culturally yeah that's the mainquestion is here is he going to drainthe swamp and so what are your feelingsaround that question so it's veryinteresting if you see some of thepeople around the president they're theones who really do want to drain theswampbut if you see many people around thepresident they're the ones who arebuilding the swap so if you look if youdrill down to some of his policies forexample promoting digital IDs and usingelection fraud and immigration as a as areason for a digital ID or you see hispromotion of private crypto um in amajor way involved in the federalfinances if you see his attacks on civilservice and want to swap in privatecontractors for the Civil Service Iwould say that's buildingand expanding the power of the deepstate so it's very there going to be acouple of key issues he got us out ofthe who before it's imperative he get usout of the who again will he do thatwill he get us back out of the Parisagreement as he did in the firstAdministration so you're going to seewhen I say the campaign starts todayyou're going to see a real competitionbetween the people around him who wantto build the Deep State um the big issuein America right now is the centralBankers would like to Asser much morecontrol over fiscal policy and Achievemuch moretransparency uh I'm sorry much more uhIndependence than they have under thelaw they're still accountable toCongress and they're going to work hardto get Trump to help them do that andstripping out the Civil Service andreplacing it with big Tech will helpthem do that interesting you saidbecause earlier you mentioned that thecorruption is not in Washington what doyou mean by that so if you look at thedependency of the American economy onorganized crime and a war you know thethe Deep state is not something thathappens in Washington it's somethingthat happens within the cash flows ofevery County in America so the 3100counties and 50 states and thosecounties and states are highly dependenton the Machinery the financial Machineryof the deep State and so the corruptionwhether it's organized crime or war isreally bottom up and many people inAmerica say they want Trump to reduceour dependency on organized crime reduceour dependency on moneya laundering atthe same time they're not prepared todeal with the financial ramifications ifhe does so if you're the president youwalk into the Oval Office and yourpolitical guy is going to say Well MrPresident the American people have spentbillions to get you elected now theywant their government grant they wanttheir government purchase they wanttheir Community block they wantsomething that's going to come to themthrough the budget whether corations andFederal Credit you're going to turn toyour Secretary of Treasury and say okaywell how do I fund this and he's goingto say well you better be nice to thepeople who control the War Machine andthe and the organized crime cash flowswho launder the money so you are highlydependent on um on a Machinery that theAmerican people continue to want themoney yeah so so how does the presidentchange that unless 3100 counties arewilling to change their dependency on itgood question right yeah becausebasically it's not up toTrump well here's the thing where youget really powerful change and we'veseen this in the last year is where youget an alignment between uh interest inWashington so you get a couple of reallygreat congressmen we still have somevery good legislators both in the Senateand House and where you get alignmentbetween them and the state legislatorsthe governors and the AGS so one of thereasons you saw real report support forthe Republicans if you look at the greatFreedom Fighters across the country inthe treasures office in the AG's officein the state legislator's office in thegovernor's office what they will alltell you is if we have a republicanWhite House we can get far more done interms of turning Machinery so where youcan get that alignment between thestates and the state officials and thepresident and you get popular supportthat's when you can start to turn theMachinery without those alignments it'snot going to happen DAV hi Katherineyeah um I was wondering how much poweror influence do you think um RobertKennedyhasso it will interesting say uh the mostimportant thing to watch is what arethose thousand people who are pickedparticularly the top 10 the top 10positions and um what the co-chair ofthe transition team has said is thatKennedy's influence or the influenceKennedy would like is to have a say inhow those positions get fued and so wewill see as we watch the transitionunfold Trump has made clear heinterviewed with Joe Rogan uh rightbefore the election and he said you knowI love Bobby as long as he stays in thisLane he said I hate him on environmentbecause I love oil and gas and and Bobbydoesn't so he said Bobby's got to stayin the health Lane but so far Trump hasindicated you know as long as Bobbystays in the health Lane he will have alot of influence now what that means wewill know when we see what positions getget staffed and how they get staffedwell you know in very well uh Bobby ifKennedy um so what do you think he'sgoing to donow so I think he's going to make if ifyou look at the results state by stateif you look at how the election worked Ithink that the Kennedy group had a majorhand in delivering uh real RepublicanLandslide here and um and which isinteresting because uh they tried veryhard to to work with the Democraticparty um and and coordinate with the andDemocratic party and were resoundedrejected and that's what put them overon the Republican side but um so I Ithink he's made a majorcontribution and and he is going to tryand get his people into place and fightfor certain policies but again it's allgoing to come down to whether they getthe right people in the place in thenext 3 months and will Congress approvethem remember many of those positionsare approved by the Senate and have togo through Senate confirmation so youneed enough alignment between the Senateand the uh you know what the Trump teamand the transition team want to do forthat to happen yeah how important is itto have the Senate and the house in thiscase very important very important andthat's good news if Trump wantsto get us out of the who get us out ofthe Paris agreement but if Trump is hereto sell on behalf of the central Bankerssell us on a um a a All Digitalfinancial and monetary system and on adigital ID and all these other sort ofmechanics that they need to finally snapthe control grd into place then you knowthen we're in real trouble and that'swhy I say the campaign begins todayDavid would you like to reflect on thatum yeah well I um was wondering umWhitney web by posted today on X thepeople who have been deluded intothinking that the Deep state is purelypartisan uh are in for a big surpriseagain she wrote pay attention to policyaction of rhetoric now that the electionis over Whitney web warned us uh for thecbdc and the digital ID um do we haveany idea uh um of trump his position onuh uh cases like the Central Bankdigital I could not agree with Whitneyweb more she's been giving greatcoverage on all of this and um if youlook at what Trump has said on thedigital ID I think it's very inde deeplyconcerning and Whitney understands thatand it's covered that extensively and sowe need to be watching what Trump issaying if you look at the differentpieces of what I call the digitalconcentration camp that's snapping intoplace you know Trump has been on thewrong side of many of these specificpoints we do not want an all Financialmonetary systemwe do not want um a digital ID and thelast thing we want is somebody you knowauditing or running the Federal Reservewho is on record is wanting to put amesh Network in the back of your headand hook you up to satellites so so Ithink you know again what you see aroundthe president is a multiple personalitydisorder of people who want to build thecontrol grid and are deep in the defenseindustry like musk and Peter teal um butalso people like Kennedy who would liketo see freedom are sincere about thatand the question is who will win thosethousand seats and who will win in thepolicy set in the first 90 days and ifthe Freedom Fighters can win can theyget enough people in the Senate to goalong with them interesting combinationmusk and Kennedy David yeah my lastquestion about this um how can we resistthis kind of dangersglobally because it's a global problemthe Central Bank digital currency thedigital IDs so the first thing we can doand I think this is what blackbox hasdone a tremendous job of doing is bringtransparency because we do know thepresident likes transparency we do knowhe will take on open debate anddiscussion of of all of these issuthat's one strength and I think the morewe bring transparency and the more wecan point out the multiple personalitydisorder and he knows this you know heended up with the wrong people in hisadministration and suffer offed as aresult one of the reasons he he did notas well in 2020 as he might have so um II think the first and foremost thing wehave to do is bring transparency I willsay this because of the Constitution andthe way the the United States legalsystem works there is a tremendousopportunity given the strength and thepush back that's coming in the statesfor the US to you know bottom up try andturn the Machinery we've been racingtoward central control and there's nowreal push back to turn and I think if wecan get the media uh like a blackbox andlike the groups represented here um andthe people working for Freedom acrossEurope um and working together to helpturn that we have uh a mighty voice tobring and I I for one I'm very veryoptimistic it's four years uh four yearsenough to get to that transparencyto get to I think we if we really wantedto if we really work together we couldget that transparency and in in you knowin a year or two yeah and do do youcontribute to that in any way I've beendoing everything I possibly can sincethe financial coup started in1998 so the central Bankers started toTake Over Control of the fiscal line in1998 that's what we've been grapplingwith and I for one and the Salia teamhave been doing everything we can do toto help people understand you know thereare many people fighting for freedom butthey don't understand Central Bankingand how the financial the mechan thenuts and bolts the financial system workso and that's where we try and come inso please stick with us for the nextsubject because there's a lot more toask about other things okay thanks sofar please stick with us yeah than youDavid[Applause]formist Minister Katherine Austin FitzKatherine welcome again welcome backokay again uh you are in Tennessee rightnow yes yes I am yeah and you traveledthrough 23 States for the last few weeksand month yeah and and given what I'mgoing to do in the next week I thinkit's going to be 26 yeah so what aremainfindings so here's what happenedin in2020 um people said you know uh you knowthey got afraid they were worried aboutthe pandemic they were worried abouttheir health but by the end of 2020 theysaid you know something's wrong here andthen in 2021 they said you know we needto do something about this and 2022people started to organize to takeaction and those actions whether theywere lawsuits or change in state policyor organizations being started andcoming together really blossomed in 2023and at the beginning of this year whenwe did our annual wrapup on the C reportI called it Operation Push back andsomething very miraculous is happeningand very marvelous and that is literallypeople all across America and all acrossthe world are saying you know somethingyou know what we value is freedom andand this is not okay we will not goalong with central control and you seethe push back developing as more andmore peoplerealize that with digital technology thepeople running the central banks and thepeople governing the you know differentcountries of the world literally do wantto assert central control so when Cloudschab Schwab from the world economicForum says it's 2030 and you have nowassets they're beginning to understandnot only is he SE serious but if youlook at the different mechanisms likeThe Who that they put together tobasically rele your assets and yourrights you know people are beginning tosee the mechanical nuts and bolts of howthey intend to operationalize the visionof relieving us of our freedoms and ourproperty rights and our assets so so asmore and more people see that andrealize it's reallythat I I I search to find the right wordit's really thatcentralizing they're starting to act andfind each other and act together so sowe are seeing the push for centralcontrol go even harder but the push backyou know it's almost like I don't knowif you you know what a game of Texaschicken is when two cars will go at eachother at 60 M hour and see who swervesfirst so we call it Texas chicken andthere's a big geopolitical Texas Chichicken happening it's one of thereasons so many people around the worldare interested yeah in thisAdministration and why I say if you lookaround Trump and what he says yeah thereis a multiple personality disorderbecause thesetwo um these two arcs are are going ateach other and coming together and thereneeds to be aReconciliation yeah and and so are wegoing to do the wef's reset yeah and goto a world where we're in a digitalconcentration camp are we going to dowhat I call the Building Wealth resetwhere we simply have evolve as a societyto a much more um prosperous and humancivilization enjoying the benefits ofnew technology yeah is this systembetween Democrats and Republicans stilluh sustainable in your opinion what arethe what are the developments aroundthat system uh so one of the mostremarkable things to me that happenedduring this last election is um a friendof mine was running in Ohio 7thcongressional district which isCleveland and right below on the lakeand his um his team did a survey of theuh 18 to 25-year-old voters in in thatcongressional district and what theydiscovered is that 4% had registered asDemocrats yeah 4% had registered asRepublicans and92% had registered as Independents sothat's between and 18 and 25 so theyounger generation 18 to 25 but what theyoung people are saying isyou know we've had it being trickedbetween you know the two sides of theunip party what they're saying in thepolitical sens is our food choice is notMcDonald's and Burger King yeah we don'twant to be captured within a phonyduopoly we're breaking away yeah and ourtheme this morning on money and marketswas break away because what I see allover America that is so exciting to meabout having done the we call it theFinancial Freedom tour is I see seepeople at every level of society fromthe very wealthy and accomplished youknow to the to the you know to thejanitor at the local grocery store yeahpeople are breaking out of the Paradigmand they are ready for real change andthey are willing to work for it so thissounds like massive change is coming forAmerica oh it's not coming it's hereit's we're in it yeah yeah right okaythank you very much live from TennesseeKatherine Austin Fitz a very nicetalking to you thanks for all yourinformation okay well I'm homesick soI'll be back in the Netherlands on the 25th and I I can't wait are lookingforward to have you here in the studiothat would be great you guys have agreat day and thank you for all thegreat work you're doing oh you'rewelcome thank you very muchoncan thank you