We are currently engaged in a world war for the soul of humanity !
Mass deception and evil of biblical proportions is taking place at an unpredecented magnitude. Our souls eternal and our bodies are the receptacles of the Holy Spirit. We must not only protect our body and soul, but also our spirit. Personally and collectively we must deal with our sinfulness and challenge the antichristian spirit of our time (Zeitgeist). As we witness the gradual advance of a sinister global agenda , it will be up to us to see through the deception and resist it or we will be coerced to embrace it. Ours is a time to build community and defend our health autonomy and food security Fence sitting will only advance the globalist agenda. We will have a choice btw the Beast System and the Book of Life ? More on ... www.icitz.info |

After our retirement in 2015 we have started travelling Australia. First we where doing extended winter trips from Melbourne to Australias warmer regions. In 2016 we packed our Ford station wagon and started to travel with a leaky tent to visited our daughter in Airlie Beach, QLD. Travelling to Qld became our routine in the following years, 2017 and 2018 until our daughter got married. In 2018 we acquired a Jayco Fiat Ducato FD19 campervan, which allowed us to do free camping off the grid thanks to solar power.
Australia if great for camping in national parks, but often access is via dust road (unsealed surfaces and "for hire campervans" are usually not permitted to travel on dust roads. Australia has plenty of overnight rest stops along its highways and in national parks. Free camping is very popular in the 4WD community. The WikiCamps app helps a lot to find the best sites. Mobile internet reception is likely to fade out between townships. Hence in remote areas we usually pick rest spots in or near small townships. (Wally - Melbourne - AU)
After our retirement in 2015 we have started travelling Australia. First we where doing extended winter trips from Melbourne to Australias warmer regions. In 2016 we packed our Ford station wagon and started to travel with a leaky tent to visited our daughter in Airlie Beach, QLD. Travelling to Qld became our routine in the following years, 2017 and 2018 until our daughter got married. In 2018 we acquired a Jayco Fiat Ducato FD19 campervan, which allowed us to do free camping off the grid thanks to solar power.
Australia if great for camping in national parks, but often access is via dust road (unsealed surfaces and "for hire campervans" are usually not permitted to travel on dust roads. Australia has plenty of overnight rest stops along its highways and in national parks. Free camping is very popular in the 4WD community. The WikiCamps app helps a lot to find the best sites. Mobile internet reception is likely to fade out between townships. Hence in remote areas we usually pick rest spots in or near small townships. (Wally - Melbourne - AU)
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