In Australia we have three leading ISP's Telstra, Optus and Vodafone, but you can buy tons of special Simcards from other retail sources with great deals. Retailers such as Supermarkets Aldi Coles and Woolworth run on the big networks, BUT one way or the other they come with some sort of restrictions as preferential treatment is usually given to primary customers even if 4G is now more often passed on. Everybody tells me that Telstra is the way to go. So I have hit the road with two phones, a Telstra original service and an Optus second class service (iinet SIM card) and I am blogging from Airlie Beach right now during the Melbourne winter. To my utter shock Telstra is almost useless in this place, cause the speed is between 1 and 4 Mbps. Optus third party gives me 15 to 40 Mbps. My point is if you travel together in a group or have two devices buy SIM cards running on more than one network.
I'm here in Airlie right now because June/July are the coldest months and my preferred months for the Whitsundays. Why ? Pleasant temperatures, not the wet season, no marine stingers and virtually no mozzies or midgies. That changes when it gets warmer. Currently we have around 25 degrees air and 22 degrees water.
I'm here in Airlie right now because June/July are the coldest months and my preferred months for the Whitsundays. Why ? Pleasant temperatures, not the wet season, no marine stingers and virtually no mozzies or midgies. That changes when it gets warmer. Currently we have around 25 degrees air and 22 degrees water.