After a few months of trouble free cruising I ultimately got bombarded by my JHub Tablet computer with "storage full" messages on my JHub tablet. In addition activating too many apps can slowly crash my tablet systems memory and hooking up to the outside world could invite viruses ! The result is at best an unstable system and at worst a total crash beyond recovery ! In addition if you use your google account to change the system setup you could unintentionally trigger syncing and cloud participation ! If you have activated any functions that require any storage then you have just increased the fault risks and if you need help far out in the bush and have to wait for an appointment once you are back near a service agent then that spoils the fun.
Don't mess with Jayco's JHub Tablet, unless you are a Geek that enjoys solving computer problems ! CLICK TO READ ON
Don't mess with Jayco's JHub Tablet, unless you are a Geek that enjoys solving computer problems ! CLICK TO READ ON